In addition to the mass panic, that occured across the nation, there was also a fear that gas prices would double in a matter of hours. I can remember the long lines to the lone gas station on our campus.
I don't think I made it to a single class that day.
It's 10 years later and we remember where we were and what we were doing on that day. As this day becomes a chapter for study in new history books, we must also remember those responsible.
Here is an article from Teaching Tolerance in which a father explains to his son who "they" are. After believing that "they" are Muslims or Pakistani, the father tells him that "they" are terrorists.
The father offers this advice: "I understand that teaching a tragic event such as 9/11 can be emotional and difficult, but it is necessary to ensure that children understand events accurately so they do not develop prejudiced ideas about an entire group of people."
The biggest honor we can give those that died on this day is to properly inform our children of who did this.
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